


  • Income $$$
  • Restriction on food
  • Experience for the future (social interactions!)
  • Something to do!


  • Less time to do homework
  • Tiring (My poor feet)
  • Less motivating to work out

So far working has not improved my healthy lifestyle. 😦 I have been eating big breakfasts, eating a little snack, drinking a small soy latte, and then eating a bit for dinner and a LOT of snacks afterwards till 10 pm. In addition to this crazy meal schedule, I have not worked out at all.

So here’s to a new month. July. July, you shall be the month of my transformation. Here’s to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body.

Family Dynamics

Let’s get a little personal here.

I come from a family of very active people. Not even just my immediate family. It’s my aunts, my cousins, even my grandpa of 79 years old goes for a swim everyday. Each person in my family is active, eats right (for the most part) and is not overweight. Some are more fit than others, but all of them are in healthy ranges of weights except for me.

I finally realized that I don’t have to eat everything on my plate. That I don’t have to have dessert everyday. That I don’t have to have seconds. And that I don’t have to eat when I am bored. I also realized that I need to prioritize staying active and exercising into my daily lives. Now that I don’t have sports, I have to create time to work on my endurance and strength.

A big shocker came to be last night that made me really- I mean really- rethink my lifestyle.

My dad who is 5 inches taller than I am and 30 years older than me weighs only 5 pounds heavier than me.

Sure he runs triathlons and has been starting eat healthier, but that’s not the point. Your short daughter is not supposed to be practically the same weight as you!!!!!

So I am beginning my healthy journey. My goal is to gain lean muscle and lose body fat, not exactly lose weight. Here we go!